The Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) is a collaborative effort of the Administration for Community Living (ACL) and the Centers for Medicare Services (CMS). ADRC’s serve as information portals for long-term supports and provide options counseling for older adults and people with disabilities. Sometimes referred to as a one-stop shop, ADRC is also a part of Louisiana Answers administered at the New Orleans Council on Aging. ADRC staff provide free services and referrals to programs that can help individuals with unmet needs, and offers assistance with Medicaid and Medicare information, enrollment and counseling. This program serves the parishes of Orleans, St. Bernard and Plaquemines.
If you have questions about long-term care planning, living with a disability, or paying for medications, ADRC has answers. For more information, please call (504) 827-7843 or toll free 1-(888) 922-8522.